
Showing posts from April, 2019

A Sensible Strategy for Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction

Managing your urological health is essential as urological conditions are more prevalent than you might consider. A lag in seeking medical attention could increase the difficulty and even lead to more severe consequences, often a life-threatening circumstance. Let’s discuss today Erectile disorder a common disorder seen in men is often described as impotence. What is Erectile dysfunction & it’s symptoms? It is a condition when a man doesn’t get a firm erection and perform competently during sex. The dysfunction can arise at any age, but more often it is commonly observed in men above sixty-five years and over. The most obvious symptoms of ED include the inability to get or keep an erection, low sex drive and anxiety about sexual performance. Many men find it difficult to discuss a sexual health problem such as ED but if you meet a Urologist expert, he can help you fight this disorder smartly. Make sure that you discuss your ED openly and honestly with your Ur

Getting Acquainted with the facts of Kidney cancer

Kidney Cancer or Hypernephroma or Renal cancer forms in the lining of tiny tubes inside the kidneys. It happens most often in people at the age of 40 and some of the major risks arise due to smoking, genetic disorder and taking analgesics for a long time. Usually, kidney cancer doesn't have early symptoms. But there might be some of them which your health care provider may notice like blood in your urine, a lump in your abdomen, unexplained weight loss, pain in your side, loss of appetite. Kidney Cancer Symptoms There are varieties of kidney cancer but Renal carcinoma is found to be the most distinguished type of carcinoma found. The most commonly experienced kidney cancer symptoms or renal cell carcinoma are Chronic fatigue, Unexplained or rapid weight loss, Leg and ankle swelling, Hypertension (high blood pressure), Fever, Presence of blood in urine (seen either by the eye, or microscopically), Pain in side or lower back, Mass or lump in the abdomen, Low back pain that is

What Factors can Fuel Male Fertility ?

Infertility is a global problem within couples and often a debatable issue nowadays. A few decades back it was hard to accept by men that infertility issues can be because of a man. If a couple was not able to bear a child, it was the female who was automatically blamed. There were no male infertility tests present a few decades back which had kept the male population safe and aloof from the blame game. Earlier, it was a male dominated chauvinistic society where women were never valued. During those days one can also infer that medical technology was still in its budding stage but today if we look into the facts almost 45-50% of the cases of couples who are not able to conceive, the challenge may lie with the male partner. Briefing the Male Infertility Test During male infertility tests, a thorough examination and a summary of your medical and surgical history is checked initially. For an urologist, it is essential for him to learn the kind of illness you have had

Getting Rid of Bedwetting habit with Age

Bed wetting is one of the prevalent disorders in children and interferes in the child’s socialization which ultimately leads to significant stress within the family. The most difficult aspect of nocturnal enuresis is its side effect on a child’s self-esteem. It can be very embarrassing for the child which creates to refrain from certain age-appropriate pursuits. Parents often come frustrated with their child’s wetting because it is a waste of time, energy, and money. There are differences of opinion and studies on what frames bedwetting as a condition, and it is also defined that a child with primary nocturnal enuresis is the one who has never been dry for 6 consecutive months.  Possible causes of Bedwetting: Urination is the process which is not under our voluntary control. Individual parts and nerves work in sync for successful urination to occur and as the bladder muscles contract, the sphincter relaxes, allowing the urine to flow into the urethra and exit the body. With respect

The Ever Growing Complexities of Men’s Health

Urinary tract infections generally happen in females but occur occasionally in the male population. The enhanced rate of urinary infection in both populations is illustrated by the variation in length of the male and female urethra. Maximum cases of urinary tract diseases happen when bacteria rise from the genital region through the urethra and into the urinary bladder above. The normal male urethra is 15-20cm long, giving better protection against infection by way of its increased length. The increased distance bacteria must progress to cause infection, as the male urethra has a greater surface area to emit antibodies to fight infection of the urinary tract. When is urinary catheter used? When an individual is incapable to urinate, the obstacle can quickly become a serious one. As urine mounts up in the bladder, the situation becomes difficult, then painful. If the challenge remains, the bladder can get absolutely full and urine can reverse up into the kidneys, cr

Getting Rid Of Dreadful Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary tract infection or UTI is a bacterial infection which can impact any portion of the urinary system. The urinary system comprises of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, or urethra; a UTI can develop anywhere in these parts. Mostly, UTIs infect the bladder and the urethra, which is the tube that drains urine from the bladder to outside the body. Although UTI is the most frequent infections in women, it is rare in men. The disease is believed to impact around 3 percent of men worldwide each year. This symbolizes most men will have never possessed a UTI, especially if they are young. If an individual acquires UTI, it’s usually thought intricate and is more likely to develop into the kidneys and upper urinary tract. Some cases may even require surgery. Initial symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection: Usually, in men, there are few to no symptoms concerning UTIs. But there is still moderate symptoms that occur during UTIs which might include painful urination, frequent urination, a slow u

Preventing the Onset of Kidney Stones

Men get kidney stones more often than women do and generally while urinating if you have blood in your urine, sharp pain in the lower abdomen, nausea and vomiting it can all be signs & symptoms of kidney stones. Stones once formed may not necessarily stay back in the kidney but rather pass from the kidney into the ureter a small a passage which leads to the bladder. During this movement if the size of these stones is too big say 6 to 7mm in size it can get stuck and can create quiet painful episodes. Knowing the Types of Kidney Stone Most of us are not aware about the types of stones which may get formed in our body. This may include Calcium oxalate stones, calcium phosphate stones, Uric acid stones & even cystine stones. You need not to worry because once you know about the type of stones your specialist could be the best guide to help you plan your meals to prevent further formation of kidney stones. Below we have discussed the ways which can prevent the