Preventing the Onset of Kidney Stones

Men get kidney stones more often than women do and generally while urinating if you have blood in your urine, sharp pain in the lower abdomen, nausea and vomiting it can all be signs & symptoms of kidney stones. Stones once formed may not necessarily stay back in the kidney but rather pass from the kidney into the ureter a small a passage which leads to the bladder. During this movement if the size of these stones is too big say 6 to 7mm in size it can get stuck and can create quiet painful episodes.

Knowing the Types of Kidney Stone

Most of us are not aware about the types of stones which may get formed in our body. This may include Calcium oxalate stones, calcium phosphate stones, Uric acid stones & even cystine stones. You need not to worry because once you know about the type of stones your specialist could be the best guide to help you plan your meals to prevent further formation of kidney stones. Below we have discussed the ways which can prevent the formation of kidney stone.

Enhance Your Water Intake Capacity

Sipping more water is a genuine way to limit kidney stones. Your urine output will be low If you don’t drink an adequate amount of water. Because of low urine output, it indicates that the urine is more concentrated and less expected to dissolve urine salts that produce stones. Consuming Lemonade and orange juice are a good selection as both contain citrate, which may prevent stones from forming.
Individuals who drink around eight glasses of fluids daily, or enough to pass two liters of urine can expect to stay healthy but if you exercise or sweat a lot, you’ll require extra fluids. The color of the urine also speaks about whether you’re hydrated or not. The urine should be clear or pale yellow. If it’s dark yellowish you need to drink more.

Add Calcium foods

Low-calcium diets may increase your kidney stone risk and your risk of osteoporosis so try consuming calcium diet a bit more. You can also take calcium supplements with the meal as it also promises to reduce the risk. Looking to improve your calcium levels. Low-fat milk, low-fat cheese, and low-fat yogurt are all good calcium-rich food alternatives.

Less sodium intake

A high-salt intake raises your chance of calcium kidney stone. When there is too much salt in the urine it also prevents calcium from being reabsorbed from the urine to the blood. This generates high urine calcium, which ultimately drives to the formation of kidney stones. Consuming limited salt aids in keeping urine calcium levels lower. If urine has less of calcium levels the risk of developing kidney stones also gets reduced.


If you have any such symptoms contact Dr A K Saini a renowned kidney stone doctor in your area can help prevent formation of kidney stones. The biggest challenge is how to prevent kidney stones easily. Beginning with small modifications to your contemporary diet and nutrition plan may work a long way towards limiting kidney stones.

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