Getting Rid of Bedwetting habit with Age

Bed wetting is one of the prevalent disorders in children and interferes in the child’s socialization which ultimately leads to significant stress within the family. The most difficult aspect of nocturnal enuresis is its side effect on a child’s self-esteem. It can be very embarrassing for the child which creates to refrain from certain age-appropriate pursuits. Parents often come frustrated with their child’s wetting because it is a waste of time, energy, and money.

There are differences of opinion and studies on what frames bedwetting as a condition, and it is also defined that a child with primary nocturnal enuresis is the one who has never been dry for 6 consecutive months. 

Possible causes of Bedwetting:

Urination is the process which is not under our voluntary control. Individual parts and nerves work in sync for successful urination to occur and as the bladder muscles contract, the sphincter relaxes, allowing the urine to flow into the urethra and exit the body.

With respect to age, it could be observed that causes for bedwetting are different for the different age group. Some of the age-related causes could be observed from the time of birth to 18 months. At this stage, the child isn’t aware of bladder filling or emptying but once the child is of 18-24 months old he has a conscious sensation of bladder emptying.

On reaching the age group of 2-3 years, most children develop the ability to voluntarily stop urination and develop appropriate toileting skills. Finally, at the age of 3 to 5 years children achieve urinary control and are dry both day and night.

Another factor is reduced bladder capacity as children with nocturnal enuresis often have comparatively smaller bladder capacity and while sleeping at night, bladders are not able to hold all of their urine until morning. The brain releases vasopressin hormone at night that reduces the amount of urine the kidneys make. So, decreased urine production at night allows the child to sleep till morning without having to urinate.

Arousal Disorder is when a child suffers from the inability to respond to the body signals well in time and isn’t aware of when it’s the time to urinate.

Constipation is one of the additional factors in which a child has a lot of stool in his or her rectum and it may push against the bladder.

A full rectum may reduce the urine in the bladder it can hold.  Parents often get confused that by treating constipation, bedwetting is sometimes reduced or even cured.

Psychological Factors also develop in children secondary nocturnal enuresis after an episode of emotional stress, psychological problems do not cause primary nocturnal enuresis.

There are also chances that a child who has suffered sexual abuse may have a higher chance of bedwetting in comparison to others.

There are symptoms and signs that might easily point out sexual abuse which could be chronic urinary tract infections, white or pale-yellow discharge due to a sexually transmitted infection, vaginal itching, frequent visits to the school nurse, or bedwetting that resurfaces.

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Bedwetting in children is a common problem until they are of 10 years of age. But once, they cross this age limit they shall be in a condition to control their urination. Still, there might be cases where the child urinates frequently while sleeping or the urination isn’t under his/her control. In any such case, one must consult a pediatric urologist in Delhi for the exact treatment to avoid further consequences.

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