The Ever Growing Complexities of Men’s Health

Urinary tract infections generally happen in females but occur occasionally in the male population. The enhanced rate of urinary infection in both populations is illustrated by the variation in length of the male and female urethra. Maximum cases of urinary tract diseases happen when bacteria rise from the genital region through the urethra and into the urinary bladder above.
The normal male urethra is 15-20cm long, giving better protection against infection by way of its increased length. The increased distance bacteria must progress to cause infection, as the male urethra has a greater surface area to emit antibodies to fight infection of the urinary tract.

When is urinary catheter used?

When an individual is incapable to urinate, the obstacle can quickly become a serious one. As urine mounts up in the bladder, the situation becomes difficult, then painful. If the challenge remains, the bladder can get absolutely full and urine can reverse up into the kidneys, creating damage that can be changeless.
The urinary catheter is supposed to be the most popular medical device used in hospitals and domestic care homes. As per various investigational studies conducted almost 50% plus patients with an indwelling catheter (IDC) have reported at least one type of complication in the beginning month after infusion and frequent complexities extended depending on the period the catheter has been used.
When it comes to treating any bladder-related problems Urologists generally consider IDC as the last hope in the management of ‘bladder problems’. They still continue to be extensively used because some urological impediments would be difficult to control without them.
Accidentally, hospital staff members may enter a catheter but fail to register the specific reason. When the leading reason for admission has been dealt with, the victim has been discharged to either regular ward in the hospital or his home, the catheter is still in the urethra or seldom in a supra-pubic track. In most of the urological surgeries dealt with, there is often no follow-up plan which is not good for the patient.

How Catheter Related Urinary Tract Infection develops?

Catheter-related Infection happens because urethral catheters inject organisms into the bladder and support it’s immigration by providing an exterior condition for bacterial adhesion and causing mucosal sensitivity. The proximity of a urinary catheter is the most notable risk factor for bacteriuria.
It has been observed that once the catheter is placed, the daily prevalence of bacteriuria is 3 to 10%. The prevalence is enhanced by 10% to 30% in patients who undergo short-term catheterization i.e., 2 to 4 days develop bacteriuria and are asymptomatic whereas when a patient undergoes a long-term catheterization the chance of developing bacteriuria is between 90% and 100%.
The bacteria quickly gets a chance to penetrate into the bladder while there is an insertion of the catheter done, during the drainage system, and even after removal of catheter.

What is Bacteriuria?

Bacteriuria is termed as bacteria in the urine and it usually occurs in most cases who have a catheter in position for 2 to 10 days. If you are aware but for your knowledge, a large number and a variety of types of organisms are present in the periurethral area. Other significant factors which contribute to the risk of bacteriuria comprises the appearance of residual urine because of low bladder drainage in the bladder.


Whenever complexities arises in Men’s health it can eventually be treated with Urology experts like DR AK Saini who have expertise to sort situation for a condition relating to bladder, urethra, ureters, kidneys, adrenal glands etc. DR AK Saini provides the best Men‘s health treatment in delhi.

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