Finding Perfect Cure & Establishing Bladder Cancer Awareness

Have you heard of Bladder Cancer? If not this month, it’s time to establish extra information and support facts about bladder cancer disorder. As the weather starts to warm up in Asia and other parts of the world, the world is all ready to celebrate May as Bladder Cancer Awareness Month.
Celebration of Bladder Cancer Awareness Month is observed in many parts of the world and the event is marked by organizing national walks, public service messages, elevated education, and imposing stress on strengthening the bladder cancer society.
Dr. Ashish Saini is an MBBS and MS (Surgery) from the prestigious King George Medical College Lucknow. Being trained in Urology (M. Ch) from Indian Medical Institution All India Institute of Medical Sciences, and performed more than 5800 urology surgeries before venturing into private practice. He has personally stood up for this valuable occasion of Bladder Cancer Awareness Month and wants to share the awareness about Bladder cancer through this blog.

The Prevalence of Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer is the ninth most prevalent cancer worldwide. An estimated 430 000 distinct cases were seen in 2012. From then onwards the toll is on a rise year after year. Around half of the bladder cancer deaths occur in the less developed regions of the world and India is one of such nation. Looking at the world-wide scenarios & arising cases of bladder cancer and those succumbing to this disease, cultivating public awareness is the first step towards finding a perfect cure.
These tumors are designated for the type of cells that convert malignant: transitional cell carcinoma, which begins in cells in the innermost tissue layer of the bladder. The first one is the squamous cell carcinoma, which begins in the squamous cells, and may appear after long-term infection or irritation. Next is the adenocarcinoma, which arises in glandular secretory cells and is found in the lining of the bladder.

Types Of Bladder Cancer And It’s Occurrence

The first one is the squamous cell carcinoma, which begins in the squamous cells, and may appear after long-term infection or irritation. Next is the adeno carcinoma, which arises in glandular secretory cells and is found in the lining of the bladder.
Cancer may spread as per its severity. Therefore when in its initial state it commences spreading in the lining of the bladder and is called superficial bladder cancer. Next, when the same cancer penetrates the muscle wall of the bladder or spreads to the nearby organs and lymph nodes it is called invasive bladder cancer.

Risk Associated With Bladder Cancer & How to Reduce It

Risk factors related to bladder cancer include nicotine use, is having family records of the disease, susceptibility to certain chemicals in the workplace, drinking well water with high levels of arsenic, and having a history of bladder infections.
Individuals, who are a smoker, make sure you put an end to it. Smoking raises bladder cancer opportunity by at least two to three times that of non-smokers. When you quit smoking, your risk goes down but never reaches back to zero. As per the recent studies presented it has been deduced that e-cigarettes can raise your risk for bladder cancer.

Knowing the Signs and Symptoms of Bladder Cancer

The most prevalent symptom of bladder cancer is painless blood in the urine. Though blood may be evident, in most circumstances it is invisible except under a microscope. In these instances, blood is found when your urine is examined by your physician.
Blood solely does not imply that one has bladder cancer. There could be many deductions for blood in the urine, such as a urinary tract infection or kidney stones. Infinitesimal results of blood might likewise be normal in some personalities.


If you or any one in your surrounding is suffering from bladder cancer and has been left isolated. Please avoid doing so instead get bold and visit Dr AK Saini for the best bladder cancer treatment in Delhi.

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