The Leading Hub Of Urology Treatment In India

We all know that India is a hot hub for attaining Medical Treatment. There are various hospitals in India which renders a wide list of treatment and surgery options which includes Endocrinology, Skin & Laser Treatment, Obstetrics & Gynecology Dentistry, Infertility Treatment, Geriatrics, Cardiology, Neurosurgery, Gastro-Intestinal Disorder, Urology, Abdominal Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, Total Joint Replacement, Hip and Knee Replacement Surgery, Transplantation, Kidney Stone Surgery and much more.

Cancers of the Kidney:

Now we all know kidneys are a really important part of the human body. Kidneys are bean-shaped organs with various important biological rules. The kidneys are located at the back of the abdomen. The important function of kidneys is to balance of the body fluids by filtering the blood, production of the hormone erythropoietin, etc.
The kidneys have two parts- the outer regions cortex, inner region namely renal pelvis. Both parts have separate functions. Cancer developing in these two parts of the kidney is called kidney cancer. Unlike any other cancer, the tumors of kidney cancer are divided as benign and malignant cancer. The benign tumors are not life-threatening as it has no invasion and spreading power to other parts of the body. The malignant tumor has invasion power and it quickly spreads to other parts of the body. So, when the cells of cancer develop abnormally in the cortex and renal pelvis of the kidneys it is called kidney cancer.

Types of Kidney Cancer:

There are some types of kidney cancers, which are categorized according to the nature of the cancer cells. The types are clinically categorized as renal cell carcinomas in which cancer develops in the cortex layer. It is an aggressive tumor which malignant. Transitional Cell Carcinoma is the second common type of kidney cancer and it develops in the renal pelvis. Wilma’s Tumor or nephroblastoma and it happens in the children in the age of 2 to 4. Some other types of kidney cancer include Chromophilic, Chromophobic, Oncocytic, and Collecting duct cancers.

Sign & Symptoms:
Blood in the urine (urine slightly rusty to deep red) Pain in the side that does not go away lump or mass in the side of the abdomen, weight loss, fever, feeling very tired or having a general feeling of poor health, etc. A person with any of these symptoms shall see a doctor so that the problem can be diagnosed and treated as early as possible.

The technology used for Treating Kidney Cancer:

Advanced technology in today’s era has made it possible both to detect kidney cancer earlier and devise the best treatment options. Multiple diagnostic tools, including intravenous pyelogram (IVP), ultrasound, computerized tomography (CT) scans, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), provide very detailed images of the kidney, uncovering masses and allowing physicians to precisely tailor treatment options and recommendations.Please always feel free to ask and share any questions that you may have, and you may also contact us. We are here to help in all the way we can!!

Resource Box:

Dr. AK Saini is a well-known doctor in the region. Meet and consult him for the Kidney Cancer Treatment in Delhi


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