Graceful Care For Bladder Cancer Treatment In Delhi

Bladder cancer refers to any type of malignant tumor of the bladder, a disease in which normal cells multiply without control in the bladder. Urinating blood, painless, is often the only symptom of bladder tumors.

Cystitis Can Suppress Bladder Cancer

Manifestations of this disease are very unpleasant: frequent and urgent need to urinate, pain or burning on urination, cloudy urine. Although trivial, the condition can lead to complications if not treated. Moreover, more serious diseases such as tumors of the bladder may occur as "trivial cystitis." Therefore, it is necessary to control a specialist. Urgent and frequent need to go to the bathroom, burning at urination; these are symptoms that announce the existence of cystitis. One in two women suffers at some point of cystitis. Although trivial, the condition can lead to complications if not treated, experts warn.

Risk Factors Associated With Bladder Cancer

Smoking: Individuals who smoke are at risk of having bladder cancer by 4-7 times higher than those who never smoked, the incidence decreased significantly after 5-7 years of quitting smoking. Industrial exposure to aromatic amines presents in manufacturing paints, Benzedrine and its derivatives.

Heredity: Although there were occasional tumors in family members, there are no clear pieces of evidence that this cancer would be an inherited disease. Age over 40 years, men are 4 times more likely to make bladder cancer than women. There are some diseases like schistosomiasis - a disease caused by infection with the Schistosoma haematobium parasite. Excessive use of analgesic drugs, chronic cystitis (bladder infections), especially in patients undergoing permanent catheterization.

Bladder Cancer Symptoms

The most common symptoms of bladder cancer are: blood or blood clots in the urine (hematuria) and painless which occurs in 80-90% of patients, discomfort during urination (dysuria) and repeated urination in small amounts, urinary tract infections and other urinary conditions occur. In cases of advanced bladder cancer, appear symptoms such as back or flank pain, edema (swelling of the feet), emergence of pelvic masses in the right bladder, weight loss, bone, rectal, anal or pelvic region pain, anemia. The disease is four times more common in men than in women and its incidence increases with age. Most cases are found in people aged 50-70 years. Even after complete surgical resection of superficial tumors, there is a 75% chance of developing new cancers in other parts of the bladder. This requires careful monitoring of patients. If diagnosed in time, increase the chances of cure and treatment is not as aggressive.


Dr. AK Saini is the best urologist for bladder cancer treatment in Delhi, and you can get yourself the best treatment before the symptoms start to appear.

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