Hydronephrosis: An Ailment In Poorly Functioning Kidney
In broad terms, hydronephrosis is a radiology term defining fluid buildup inside the kidney. The kidneys filter toxins and excess liquid from the blood to produce urine. Generally, urine is excreted from the kidney down the urine tube (ureter) and into the bladder. Under normal conditions, the urine carries the kidney regularly. Still, if something like the narrowing of the ureter takes place or backflow of the urine, or kidney stone creates a delay in the outflow of urine from the kidney, then the kidney can grow more swollen with fluid than normal. In many circumstances, hydronephrosis happens in normally-functioning kidneys but some problems are connected with unusual or poorly-functioning kidneys or other genetic ailments. How Is Hydronephrosis Diagnosed? In many of the younger babies after birth, hydronephrosis, even when severe, often does not show any noticeable symptoms. There are even cases where babies or children might develop symptoms such as a urinary t...