
Showing posts from June, 2019

Envisioning The Invaluable kidney’s Role in Human Body

Let me commence with thanking the largest filter of our body and that is kidney which keeps purifying gallons of fluid in a day. If we check the fact it is around 50 gallons in a day. And you thought you worked hard. March is already passed by and so has the Kidney Cancer Awareness Month, so examine yourself as this dynamic-duo of vital organs can fulfill a lot in their healthiest state. You can define kidneys as the personal purifying system, but with life supporting powers. Looking at their each day services they promote filter salt, water, and waste including toxic elements – from the blood that is deported into the kidneys. These refined materials become urine, while the cleaned blood runs back to the heart. Out of total of 200 quarts of fluid 198 quarts are retrieved and recirculated where the rest two quarts are peed away. The Duties of Kidney Now let’s recall the specific tasks of the kidneys you might not know. They release hormones that regulate blood pres...

Understanding Chronic Kidney Disease & Its Associated Symptoms

We all comprehend that Chronic Kidney Disease now in the world has become a popular disease which threatens people's health. Among all the people around the world, one out of ten persons will have the possibility to expand into chronic kidney disease. With the developing pressure and changed existence style and habit, the time or morbidity of kidney disease also chooses to be on an increase. Definition: What can one infer from chronic kidney disease? Generally, if a person has a large amount of proteinuria, hematuria and so on for more than three months, he will be diagnosed with persistent kidney disease no matter whether he has reduced glomerular filtration rate. This can be the initial symptom of kidney failure and the person should be well alert in advance.  Discussing some of the Possible Causes of chronic kidney disease: About more than 95% of chronic kidney disease is caused by a disorder of the immune system (PKD is a genetic disease). Originally, there is nothing which...

Celebrating World Continence Week With Pride 2019

World Continence Week (WCW) is a fitness operation run by the different International Continence Society in the world and is equally celebrated by the ace spirited Dr. AK Saini a senior Urologist Consultant at his clinic in India to raise awareness of incontinence related issues. This year it is the Continence week is conducted between 17th of June to 23rd of June. The Urology Continence highlights the impact urinary incontinence can have on our lives and inspires those surviving with it to solicit help so they no longer have to endure in quietness. World continence live on 92.7 radio FM channel By Dr Ashish Saini Being an annual drive with the primary aim to raise awareness about incontinence associated issues Dr. Ashish Saini quite enthusiastically participated in this big event by participating in a radio program which was live on 92.7 radio FM channel. Here he gave a brief suggestion to treat overactive bladder. He was very clear and stated that the first and...

Stress Induced Urinary Continence Impacting lifestyle

Urinary incontinence (UI) is a wellness obstacle influencing thousands of lives at different life steps. As per studies conducted there are different types of urinary continence impacting both the men and women population and can be enlisted as stress urinary incontinence (SUI), overactive bladder (OAB), overflow incontinence (OI), and functional incontinence (FI). Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) is when urine trickles out with unexpected pressure on the bladder and urethra, making the sphincter tissues to open shortly. In case of mild stress, the load may be from sudden forceful activities, like exercise, sneezing, laughing or coughing. If your Stress-induced incontinence is too severe, the chances of getting leaked with less forceful activities are possible. Just like when you stand up, walk or bend over you might end up leaking.  Urinary events like this can vary from a few drops of urine to just to absorb through your clothes. If we see the occurrence of Stress-induced in...

Low sperm Count A Key Men’s health Issue

It has always been discussed what a woman needs to do to enhance her fertility potential and this has always left out male partners in what they should do to prepare for conception. We all know the universal truth that a man cannot carry a baby but we should also be aware that male factor is the cause of infertility in several men today. One of the core reasons for infertility in men’s health has been diagnosed as low sperm count or sperm mobility issues. Studies On Sperm Counts Talking about the estimated time trends in sperm concentration or total sperm count in varying populations. The studies carried have presented a decreasing trend in sperm density or total sperm count of young men. Low sperm count indicates that the semen once ejaculated during an orgasm is comprising of lower sperm than average and such a condition is also called oligospermia whereas the complete absence of sperms is called azoospermia. Generally, in such a condition the sperm count is less ...

Getting an Insight About Overactive Bladder

Overactive bladder occurs frequently in women but may happen in men. Aging, increased prostate, and diabetes all signify risk circumstances. There are many who would be struggling with urinary symptoms and think overactive bladder (OAB) is the cause. The entire journey from understanding OAB to taking control and finding treatment is with your doctor. Are you continually running to the toilet, even if you’ve just been once? Is there a sudden need to go to the toilet when you hear to the flowing water sound? There might be conditions where you can hardly make it to the bathroom in time without leaking. If you are experiencing all such condition it may be signs of Overactive Bladder. What Is Overactive Bladder? Overactive Bladder, is the powerful urge to use the lavatory. It normally comes on heavy, sometimes out of nowhere, and in several cases, happens many times a day. Looking at the symptoms of Overactive Bladder it may also incorporate leakage if you’re not able...

A Close Assessment Of Urination In Fetal Population

The fetal kidney begins to create urine in the fourth month of the pregnancy, and at that point, the fetal bladder empties it into the amniotic cavity in the womb. Without fetal urine, there would be considerably less amniotic fluid. In Ninety-three percent of newborns first voiding take place within the first 24 hours after birth. Importance of Voiding After Birth Ninety percent of the rest urinate during the second day of life. Those kids who still haven't voided after the second-not the first-day should be assessed. Your baby's first few squirts are normally small amounts of dark, murky urine. This "sludge" exhibition is the result of a high concentration of sodium urate crystals as well as certain proteins. Time When Newborn Urinates The typical newborn urinates 16 to 24 times per day. Each voiding produces 15 to 25 milliliters, and the total amount of urine for the day is 45 to 70 percent of the baby's total fluid intake for the day. During his first six ...